University Introduction Convergent professionals from Far East University
create a new wave in the world

Founder's Message

Far East University

We offer strong education to lead the changing era

Fonder of Far East University   Ryu Taek-hui

  • Universities fall behind if they are no longer competitive.

    Far East University strives to develop the professional qualities to run corporations into the world and offer professional and academic learning required for the advanced industrial societies. We offer strong education of practical and advanced studies and develop the adaptability to the changes through academic applications.

    We will invest our precious time in responding

    to the rapidly changing era of the Fourth Industrial Revolution and developing professional capacities and qualities to lead such era through our strong education

  • Far East University will never stop

    its endeavors for its students to become highly qualified professionals through our distinguished education system for them to be proud of us. We will do our best for anyone who comes to our University to be recognized as an important person in the world.