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| Local free-fall temperature of GMGHS black holes |
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| Warped products and the Reissner-Nordstrom-AdS black hole |
Modern Physics Letters A Vol. 29, No. 36
| The warped product approach to magnetically charged GMGHS spacetime |
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| The geodesic motion near hypersurfaces in the warped products spacetime |
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| Multiply warped products with nonsmooth metrics |
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| Focal point in the Lorentzian metric |
International Journal of Modern Physics
| Local free-fall temperature of a RN-AdS black hole |
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| On the contact conformal tensor of a contact metric manifold |
General Relativity and Gravitation
| (2+1) BTZ black hole and multiply warped product spacetimes |
Communications of the KMS, Vol.21 NO.2
| on generic submanifolds of manifolds equipped with a hypercosymplectic 3-structure |
Astronautica 69 730–736
| The organizations for space education and outreach programs in the Republic of Korea |
| 무인기(드론)통제센터 구축계획 |
| 청주 항공산업전시 체험센터 구축 타당성 검토 |
| 충청북도 테크노 에듀벨리 구축방안 |